Rest And Reset

The weekend is finally here and it’s time to rest and reset.

As the sound the rain fall hits your windows, or if the sun is shining bright today (wherever you may be located), take this time to rest and reset.

let go of whatever goal you did not get a chance to accomplish whether work related or self-related. that’s a monday problem. Enjoy your weekend and actually live in every moment that you get.

affirm that today you will rest and reset!

Delay Is Not Denial, Keep pushing through

As we go into the weekend, remember that delay is not denial.

do not go into the weekend thinking that you have failed at your set goals for week. Things come up and life sometimes has hands but don’t worry your delay is not a denial.

This is a time for you to relax and reset. Keep pushing through and remember that everything happens for a reason.

I’m Protecting My Mental Health By putting me first

Do y’all remember the famous line, “I gotta put me first, Lucious” by the infamous Cookie lyon from the hit show “Empire”? Although people ran with that line and used it in every meme and tikTok video out there, Ms. Lyon was on to something.

It is time to put you first! Protect yourself, your mental health, physical health, emotional health, and spiritual health by all means. If this means using your pTO then do so, if this means putting your phone on DND for an hour or two, then do it, if this means taking a nap, by all means take that nap.

do whatever you need to do to put you first. exhale negativity and inhale positivity and light. oh, don’t forget to pray before you slay!

Jessica Pettway, A Beauty Influencer, Dies After Cancer Misdiagnosis

Fans of beauty influencer, Jessica Pettway, are left sad and shocked after she passed away battling stage 3 cervical cancer.

pettway, 36, who had a huge following on Instagram and YouTube, disclosed her diagnosis in July 2023 on instagram.

However, what’s really sad about her story is that doctors had essentially misdiagnosed her. Pettway had revealed that when she went to the doctors after experiencing symptoms of extreme fatigue, and severe vaginal bleeding and they told her that she had uterine fibroids.

Fibroids are benin tumors that form in a woman’s uterus and it is very common in african american. 50% of women will be diagnosed with fibroids by the age of 35.

after being hospitalized because of the bleeding, it was later revealed that her fibroids were in fact cervical cancer.

Studies show that women and minorities are 20 to 30 percent more likely to experience medical misdiagnosis compared to white men.

Jessica Pettway is survived by her husband of twelve years and her two children ages, 10 and 3.

Let’s keep Pettway’s family in our thoughts and prayers.

Let Go & Let God; You Will Win

When I was in the seventh grade, i had a teacher, Ms. Colón, who would always say the phrase, “Let Go & Let God,” before we started our meditation to help us concentrate better during her lessons.

at the time, i had no idea what she meant by that but as i got older, i realized that she was affirming in me that whatever issues, or problems I was facing, I should let it go and let god handle it. 1 Peter 5:7 (nIV) says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

so affirm today that whatever is bothering you, whatever thing that the enemy may have in store for you, that you will let it go & let God. This is your winning season, you will win.

I’m Secure, my time is coming

it is imperative to know that your time is coming. at times it may seem like you are constantly being overlooked but trust me when I say you are not!

You are being prepared while in your waiting season. In 1 Samuel 17, we are reminded that although david was constantly overlooked and deemed unqualified, he would go on to slay the beast that was Goliath. He was able to do because god was preparing him the valley while his father tended to the sheep.

continue to prepare in your waiting season, your time is coming.

Show Up Even When It’s Hard

brene Brown once said, “sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up.”

There will be days and times where you don’t feel like showing up, you don’t feel like being present, or you don’t want to be seen or heard at all, but remember showing up is winning the battle.

Hebrews 13:2 says, “do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

You showing up for yourself may have a positive impact on others. So pray, show up & be present.

Stay Planted And Pray Your Way Through

Today’s affirmation is for the people who are facing spiritual, physical, and mental warfare as they are close to reaching their goals.

Please remember that the fight or battle you are going through to get to the other side is not your fight or battle, however, it is God’s. Exodus 14:14 (NIV) says, “The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still,” and Jeremiah 1:19 (NIV) states, “They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.

Affirm this, “I will stay planted and pray my way through for God will take care of the rest.”

Have an amazing day.