Recap: Mona Scott-Young’s Launch Party of MonaMi Direct and Release of Debut Novel.


Mona Scott- Young is a force to be reckoned with.20180614_202152Last night, the executive producer of the hit reality show “Love and Hip-Hop”, held an exclusive launch party at the Flatiron, located at 9 West 26th Street in Manhattan, for two projects that she has been working on, MonaMi Direct and the release of her debut novel ‘Blurred Lines’.MonaMi Direct is a publishing company that Young and her business partner Courtney Parker (who was stuck in L.A) started. Young explained how the idea for this company came about. “It started probably over a little over a year ago, and I wanted to do something in books but I definitely didn’t want to do it the traditional way”, she said. Young also explained that after finally settling with a publishing house, the person who was in charge of pushing the book forward had left the company. At that moment she and Parker were determined to take matters into their own hands by creating their own company, MonaMi Direct. Through this company, their debut novel ‘Blurred Lines’ was published.The event was filled with a lot of familiar faces and a few surprises. Cast members from “Love and Hip-Hop” New York came out to show their support for Young. Yandy, Tara, Cyn Santana, Mariah Lynn, Jacque, Jonathan, and Safaree were all in attendance to celebrate and congratulate Scott-Young on her success.20180614_21330420180614_20495220180614_20194020180614_20150020180614_19524120180614_195145Brooklyn’s own rapper Maino and the owners of the Crabby Shack, located in Crown Heights, Gwendolyn Niles, and Fifi Bell Clanton were also in attendance to show their support.20180614_20054620180614_204126Young had a few surprises for the guest in attendance. She shared a special reading of her novel and had Yandy, Safaree, Tara, Cyn, and producer of the show, Stephanie participate in it.  During the sample reading, each participant had a role, while Young was the narrator. From that short snippet, the guests were introduced to Carys, her boyfriend Nikko, and their parents and grandparents, and was intrigued how fast the story took you through twists and turns, leaving you wanting more.  After the reading, however, Young left us with a piece of advice in regards to the book, “Nothing is what it seems, so don’t go jumping to conclusions yet”.Pre- Order your copy of ‘Blurred Lines’ before it’s released on June 26th, 2018. 

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