In a recent post, I shared a video of Sam Smith’s acoustic performance of “Latch” by Disclosure, and I expressed hiw talented and soulful he is, but that is only scratching the surface when it comes to this artist. Not too long ago, Smith released his first album ” In the Lonely Hour”, and it is been nonstop for him from there. In listening to his album, the melodies, and the lyrics you can here a little bit of Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye and Luther Vandross , the legends or blues and soul.Sam Smith is a rare individual, he embodies everything that the artists before him worked years to get noticed for. In listening to every song on this album, I feel like he is speaking exactly how I feel, whether it’s going through a breakup and knowing your going to be okay, like in his song “Restart”, or knowing that the person you love, doesn’t love you the same or is loving someone else, as he sings in ” I’m not the only one”. But the song that speaks to me the most is his first single “Stay with me” which explains how you can be in a relationship with someone, but you know that it’s not going to work but you still want that sense of comfort from that person. The key thing about this album is that anybody who listens to it can definitely relate to it. Sam Smith is a soulful legend in the making and I hope to hear more greatness from him in the future.
Thanks greaat blog post